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THE WORLD AND ALL THAT IT HOLDS by Aleksandar Hemon Kirkus Star


by Aleksandar Hemon

Pub Date: Jan. 24th, 2023
ISBN: 978-0-374-28770-2
Publisher: MCD/Farrar, Straus and Giroux

With death the only escape from seemingly endless wars, a Bosnian refugee perseveres.

As this epic novel leaps from country to country, decade to decade, life to death and back again, little seems to connect for Rafael Pinto. He’s a witness to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which ignites the First World War. It also shatters Rafael’s old life in his home in Sarajevo, a city he fears no longer exists as his conscription into warfare takes him farther away. He is an outsider three times over—he's Jewish, he's homosexual, and he finds some respite from his meaningless life in drugs. He lives from moment to moment, for the next kiss, the bliss of the next high. That is, until he makes the crucial connection of his life, to a handsome Muslim soldier named Osman Karišik, who seems to sense a kindred spirit and woos Rafael without much regard to the protocols of their regiment. He might not give Rafael’s life purpose and meaning, but he does give him a reason to live that day and the next, to follow wherever he leads. Even when Osman dies, his voice remains very much alive within Rafael, with its insistence that now is not the time for him to die. Because he somehow has a daughter, who was Osman’s daughter and now his, who will require his protection. Throughout a narrative spanning decades, from Sarajevo to Shanghai, the bleakness of war and its aftershocks remains relentless, “the despair that overwhelmed him in the middle of the night, the horror of an absent future…which is constantly degrading. It is hard to see what the point of any of it is….We just live because we are afraid to die. We live out of cowardice.” Yet the writing remains powerful, beautiful, and the epilogue provides an origin story that puts everything that has preceded it in fresh light.

Hemon pulls no punches in his most ambitious novel to date.