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A clear and essential guide to helping loved ones when they hit rock bottom.

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Licuanan offers a comprehensive guide to providing help to people who don’t necessarily welcome it.

In his nonfiction debut, the author, a psychologist and educator, discusses the vital importance of what he calls an “impact person” in substance abuse recovery—the term refers to involved individuals “with the ability to help, assist, or change someone’s life for the better.” Licuanan clarifies that there are limits to what such people can do; the author stresses the importance of drawing a clear “We are done” line in the sand, setting a boundary past which “you are simply finished supporting their unhealthy lifestyle.” Licuanan’s overview encompasses both mental health disorders (including schizophrenia and PTSD) and substance abuse disorders (involving alcohol, methamphetamine, and other drugs) and draws on his experience dealing with such clients and the people in their lives. Rather than providing specific intervention techniques for any of these situations, he offers a more general set of tools, including active listening, empathy, and the setting of healthy boundaries, all designed to help families and other impact people in what the author refers to as “the Pre-treatment Zone,” in which people are desperate to get their loved ones into some kind of treatment. (“The support system in the Pre-treatment Zone is experiencing intense fear, anxiety, loss, confusion, and desperation. They may believe their loved one is no longer able to care for their basic needs adequately and might be in danger of harming self or others.”) Licuanan breaks down all of his advice very clearly into a great many practical necessities, with key tasks in the process delegated to the “captain” and the “co-captain” of the assistance team, along with the whole coalition of assisting individuals. (These tasks can involve preparing back-up plans and contingencies in case law enforcement has to be involved.) People in these helping coalitions will find Licuanan’s combination of optimism and pragmatism invaluable; this book is full of very useful wisdom.

A clear and essential guide to helping loved ones when they hit rock bottom.

Pub Date: May 1, 2024

ISBN: 9798987830987

Page Count: 274

Publisher: BL Press and Publications

Review Posted Online: May 3, 2024

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The heartbreaking story of an emotionally battered child delivered with captivating candor and grace.

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The former iCarly star reflects on her difficult childhood.

In her debut memoir, titled after her 2020 one-woman show, singer and actor McCurdy (b. 1992) reveals the raw details of what she describes as years of emotional abuse at the hands of her demanding, emotionally unstable stage mom, Debra. Born in Los Angeles, the author, along with three older brothers, grew up in a home controlled by her mother. When McCurdy was 3, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Though she initially survived, the disease’s recurrence would ultimately take her life when the author was 21. McCurdy candidly reconstructs those in-between years, showing how “my mom emotionally, mentally, and physically abused me in ways that will forever impact me.” Insistent on molding her only daughter into “Mommy’s little actress,” Debra shuffled her to auditions beginning at age 6. As she matured and starting booking acting gigs, McCurdy remained “desperate to impress Mom,” while Debra became increasingly obsessive about her daughter’s physical appearance. She tinted her daughter’s eyelashes, whitened her teeth, enforced a tightly monitored regimen of “calorie restriction,” and performed regular genital exams on her as a teenager. Eventually, the author grew understandably resentful and tried to distance herself from her mother. As a young celebrity, however, McCurdy became vulnerable to eating disorders, alcohol addiction, self-loathing, and unstable relationships. Throughout the book, she honestly portrays Debra’s cruel perfectionist personality and abusive behavior patterns, showing a woman who could get enraged by everything from crooked eyeliner to spilled milk. At the same time, McCurdy exhibits compassion for her deeply flawed mother. Late in the book, she shares a crushing secret her father revealed to her as an adult. While McCurdy didn’t emerge from her childhood unscathed, she’s managed to spin her harrowing experience into a sold-out stage act and achieve a form of catharsis that puts her mind, body, and acting career at peace.

The heartbreaking story of an emotionally battered child delivered with captivating candor and grace.

Pub Date: Aug. 9, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-982185-82-4

Page Count: 320

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: May 30, 2022

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 1, 2022

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Skloot's meticulous, riveting account strikes a humanistic balance between sociological history, venerable portraiture and...

A dense, absorbing investigation into the medical community's exploitation of a dying woman and her family's struggle to salvage truth and dignity decades later.

In a well-paced, vibrant narrative, Popular Science contributor and Culture Dish blogger Skloot (Creative Writing/Univ. of Memphis) demonstrates that for every human cell put under a microscope, a complex life story is inexorably attached, to which doctors, researchers and laboratories have often been woefully insensitive and unaccountable. In 1951, Henrietta Lacks, an African-American mother of five, was diagnosed with what proved to be a fatal form of cervical cancer. At Johns Hopkins, the doctors harvested cells from her cervix without her permission and distributed them to labs around the globe, where they were multiplied and used for a diverse array of treatments. Known as HeLa cells, they became one of the world's most ubiquitous sources for medical research of everything from hormones, steroids and vitamins to gene mapping, in vitro fertilization, even the polio vaccine—all without the knowledge, must less consent, of the Lacks family. Skloot spent a decade interviewing every relative of Lacks she could find, excavating difficult memories and long-simmering outrage that had lay dormant since their loved one's sorrowful demise. Equal parts intimate biography and brutal clinical reportage, Skloot's graceful narrative adeptly navigates the wrenching Lack family recollections and the sobering, overarching realities of poverty and pre–civil-rights racism. The author's style is matched by a methodical scientific rigor and manifest expertise in the field.

Skloot's meticulous, riveting account strikes a humanistic balance between sociological history, venerable portraiture and Petri dish politics.

Pub Date: Feb. 9, 2010

ISBN: 978-1-4000-5217-2

Page Count: 320

Publisher: Crown

Review Posted Online: Dec. 22, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Jan. 1, 2010

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