Submission Guidelines for Publishers

Kirkus Reviews receives between 100 and 200 submissions per day, and we’re not able to review every title we receive. The following guidelines are intended to help publishers get the right titles into the right hands at the right time so they can receive consideration.
WHEN TO SUBMIT Kirkus will consider titles that are submitted as digital galleys or e-books at least 4-5 months before publication date. As soon as a book is reviewed—usually 2-3 months before its publication date—the publisher is notified of the review rundate.
WHAT TO SUBMIT We consider all new adult hardcover or original trade-paperback fiction, general-audience nonfiction, and children’s and teen books. Editors make individual judgments about coverage based on merit or potential interest.
Kirkus does not review books in the categories listed below in its traditional program. (Kirkus Indie does not put genre or publication date limits on submissions; see more information about that program here.)
—already published books
—reprints of books that Kirkus has previously reviewed
—self-published titles
—print-on-demand titles
—poetry (except children’s and teen)
—crafting books
—guidebooks, including travel guides
—personal finance
—specialized technical or professional works
—any work intended primarily for an academic audience
—reference books
—instruction or how-to manuals
—screenplays or other dramatic scripts
—computer and technology handbooks
—books of regional interest
Please note that books from hybrid publishers with a national distributor are eligible for review; the title must be submitted by the publisher.
HOW TO SUBMIT Please submit only digital galleys and PDFs for review consideration. Contact individual section editors for further details, but in most cases we request an open widget on NetGalley or Edelweiss plus a PDF.
Fiction: Laurie Muchnick, Please send submissions for Laurie to
Nonfiction: John McMurtrie, Please send submissions for John to
Young Readers:
Laura Simeon, — middle grade (209 pages and longer) and young adult
Mahnaz Dar, — board books, picture books, and middle grade (through 208 pages). Please send submissions for Mahnaz to  
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