A name, an action, a city—that's all it takes for this gifted artist to devise an intriguing mini-drama for each letter; e.g., ``Edward escaped in Edinburgh'' or ``Henry hoped in Hollywood.'' Twenty-six children take their turns on a stage while six more respond with gusto from the front row. Stage hands peer from behind each new backdrop, delicate white pillars flank the action, and a cheery red curtain across the top completes a frame that, while creatively varied in its details, unifies the book. A last page identifies features of the sites—the clay soldiers at Xian, the Mayan temple at Uxmal. There's great variety among them—cathedrals, domestic architecture, ancient pyramids, a modern museum—and also in the actions: ``Isaac idled in Innsbruck'' (with skis but no snow); ``John juggled in Jerusalem.'' Lobel slips in subtler play with words (``William waited in Washington'') and art (as Zachary zigzags, so do passive lines in the art depicting him). A lovely book, wrought with exquisite care, with much to discover and ponder. (Picture book. 4-8)