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THE LOST AMERICANS by Christopher Bollen Kirkus Star


by Christopher Bollen

Pub Date: March 14th, 2023
ISBN: 9780063224421
Publisher: Harper/HarperCollins

Following the sudden death of her brother, Eric, in Cairo, where he was working as a weapons technician for a "boutique" defense firm, New York fundraiser Cate Castle sets out to prove he did not kill himself.

Official word is that Eric was drunk, depressed, and delusional when he tossed himself off the third-floor balcony of his hotel. Cate, knowing in her heart that he would never kill himself, goes to Egypt to chase down the truth, prompted by a mysterious postcard from him. In Cairo, she immediately gets a whiff of the danger she is in when a young man posing as her airport driver attempts to abduct her. In due course, she learns that Eric was caught in the middle of a secret weapons deal. When his firm, Polestar, offers Cate's needy mother and ailing stepfather in Massachusetts a sizable settlement, she reluctantly gives in to demands that she sign a nondisclosure agreement prohibiting her from airing her grievances or questioning Polestar employees. But acting on impulse, sure she is getting close to what happened, she continues her investigation—under the watchful eye of authoritarian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's secret police. Cut from the same mold as Robert Stone's great political thrillers with its international intrigue, darkly atmospheric setting, and compromised characters, Bollen's novel is afloat in self-recrimination. "We used to sell weapons to fight wars," says a disillusioned former colleague of Eric's. "Now we fight wars to sell weapons." The scarcity of civil rights in contemporary Egypt is captured to shadowy effect, extending to the targeting of gay citizens like Cate's guide and driver, Omar. Bollen, author of Lightning People (2011) and Orient (2015), takes real risks with the story, making it more haunting than the reader may be prepared for.

A gripping thriller with lingering emotional effects.