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ASCENT TO POWER by David L. Roll


How Truman Emerged From Roosevelt's Shadow and Remade the World

by David L. Roll

Pub Date: April 23rd, 2024
ISBN: 9780593186442
Publisher: Dutton

An intriguing historical study of a major presidential transition period.

Some historians view Harry Truman’s presidency as little more than a footnote to the eventful, tumultuous Franklin Roosevelt era. In his latest book, Roll, author of George Marshall and The Hopkins Touch, shows that nothing could be further from the truth. The author examines the period between Roosevelt’s death in 1945 and the 1948 election, which saw Truman unexpectedly win office in his own right. The two men had known each other, but not particularly well, and bringing Truman onto the Democratic ticket in 1944 was largely a way to displace the far-left Henry Wallace. As vice president, Truman had been cut out of important decisions and information, so he was entirely unprepared when Roosevelt died. Roll describes how he initially focused on continuing Roosevelt’s policies about fighting the war and winning the peace, but he gradually brought in his own ideas and became entirely his own man after the 1948 victory. He was logical and systematic on issues such as the use of the atomic bombs, the rebuilding of Germany and Japan, opposition to the Soviet Union, and support for a Jewish homeland, which Roll explores. On the domestic front, Truman moved much further on civil rights than Roosevelt had done, winning support from Black leaders. Many of his policies were bitterly opposed, but he mostly prevailed, always emphasizing that the buck stopped on the presidential desk. Roll tells the story with authority, although some of his detours, such as the chapter on Roosevelt at the Tehran conference in 1943, seem to stray a long way from his theme. However, for readers who are not familiar with Truman, Ascent to Power is informative and accessible.

With solid research, Roll brings to life a short time frame that laid the foundation for the decades to come.