A hefty collection of short poems, mostly new, on themes related to home, school, sports, seasons, and animals.
Alternately writing (as the title implies) from both “inside” and “outside” points of view, Yolen generally keeps the tone light and the language playfully conversational: “Never mind that ticks need grooming, / blooming flowers give you sneezes. / Never mind that heat is rising, / as are stings from flying bees is. / Everything good or bad you find / Can be balanced with a Never Mind.” If some entries read more like starters than finished works (“Potbellied Pig”: “Little or big, / It’s still a pig”), there are still insights and neat turns of phrase aplenty to enjoy—and even a few poems written for multiple voices to encourage reading aloud. Peterslund’s pictures, too sparse and sparely drawn to have much visual impact, add an assortment of mostly young human figures (with skin the white of the page) or animals, along with occasional decorative spot motifs and borders. The collection concludes on an elegiac note: If all nature “can pause, think, pray, / say thank you for this time, / this day, this beat of heart, / this chance to bring forth / something good into the world / before leaving it, I can say it, / you can, too. / Thank you.” Thank you, prolific one, for the literary bounty present and past.
A heaping helping of characteristically readable verse from a veteran writer and storyteller.
(index) (Poetry. 5-9)