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by Karen Rose Smith

Pub Date: May 23rd, 2023
ISBN: 9781496738462
Publisher: Kensington

The quiet Pennsylvania town of Willow Creek remains a magnet for murder.

The mild manner of attractive widow Daisy Swanson, who has two grown girls and is engaged to former police officer Jonas Groft, hides a keen intellect and a penchant for solving murders. As she busies herself planning an anniversary party for her parents at The Farm Barn with owner/manager Lydia Aldenkamp, whom she's become friendly with, life seems good. Brought up Amish, Lydia has been shunned by her parents since marrying Englischer Neil Aldenkamp, but she’s still close to her childless twin sister, Leah, who adores Lydia’s little daughter, Frannie. Daisy’s Tea Garden restaurant keeps her busy, but she enjoys her early morning hike-and-talk sessions with Lydia until the morning when she arrives at The Farm Barn a bit late and her dog, Felix, finds Lydia dead on the trail. Shattered by Lydia’s murder, Daisy is determined to help despite push back from the police detectives who’ve welcomed her input before. Neil, who’s had little to do with running The Farm Barn, begs Daisy for help in planning and running a wedding already booked at the venue. Spending time with the people who work there gives her plenty of insights into the dynamics of the business, which is rumored to be in financial trouble. Lydia’s problems ranged from fights with suppliers to Neil’s brief affair, so it won’t be easy to pick out a killer from a surprisingly large bunch of suspects.

Murder plays second fiddle to a warm and charming cozy complete with appended recipes.