In this popular series’ latest episode, an ambush by the masked elf king’s ally Max Griffin leads Emily to a disturbing revelation about the mysterious voice that speaks through her own amulet.
Having set the stage with a flashback that illuminates Max’s troubled past, Kibuishi positively channels the first Star Wars film by turning Emily’s brother Navin and other friends into hotshot fighter pilots for a climactic dogfight replete with sizzling bolts of energy and massive explosions. This is followed by a long collective fall through the air during which Emily makes a desperate lifesaving venture into the “void.” There, times and memories mingle, and the dark entity that had guided her before challenges her to an ominous chess match. Expertly framing his clearly drawn figures in diversely arranged sequential panels, the author continues to tell his tale at a breakneck pace. Though his cast of humans, elves, robots, talking animals and monsters is now so large that even confirmed fans may have trouble keeping track, no one will soon forget the demonic new flying giant spider creature that Max rides into battle.
Fine worldbuilding, with high adventure aplenty and characters and plotlines that continue to develop intriguing twists.
(Graphic fantasy. 10-12)