This second installment of the True Love series finds Eros, a goddess in this series, setting out to make her second true love match after being drained of her powers by Zeus.
Calling herself “True,” Eros lives with her mother, Aphrodite, in a little town in New York, both having been banished to Earth until Eros can make three matches without her golden arrows. In this outing, she spots her own true love, Orion, as a new student in her high school—but he has no memory of her at all. Distracted, she almost misses her chance to reunite longtime pair Peter and Claudia, after Peter, upset by the changes graduation and college will bring, suddenly breaks it off. True strategizes with Claudia, but a ruse to make Peter jealous backfires when Claudia starts to fall for the hot new guy True sets her up with. Worse, it seems that some gods jealous of Eros might find their ways to Earth. Scott keeps the tone light, focusing much more on comedy than mythology, with the exception of a subplot concerning Hephaestus. She has good fun with her concept, with True still unable to fit in with contemporary teens but unconcerned about that problem.
It’s another light romp through high school romance, with an exotic paranormal twist.
(Paranormal romance. 12-18)