Bruce Farmer

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I’ve lived what some say is a far-ranging and adventurous life. As an Army brat traipsing across America, two years in Bolivia and much of South America, leading medical mission teams into Central America during the war years, and finally much of Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, France, Italy and finally Tanzania I simply love to travel.

I’m an avid outdoorsman who enjoys hiking, river rafting, mountain climbing, and skiing. Whether hiking the Grand Canyon, rafting the tumultuous Colorado river, wending through the Narrows in Zion National Park, or enjoying the Enchantment Lakes in Washington, I’ve been constantly humbled by the majesty of nature. I had the privilege to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and travel the great Serengeti plains, stand atop California’s Mt. Whitney and Washington’s Mt. Rainier and summit numerous peaks throughout the Cascades Range in both Oregon and Washington. Climbing the via Ferrata in the Italian Dolomites to viewing the island monastery on Skellig Michael off the Irish Atlantic coast remain powerful memories.

My years as a Surgical resident, heavy on trauma and burns followed by deeply meaningful years practicing emergency room medicine remain highlights in my professional life. A yearning to study philosophical theology, however, proved too hard to resist and I entered seminary and subsequently taught Science and Theology at a small liberal arts college in Los Angeles. I returned to fitness after a terrible back injury and developed a new approach to physical therapy relieved back pain and restored healthy function (and got me back in the mountains and skiing the steep and deep!)

I thrill to the teachings of the Danish-born Existentialist Soren Kierkegaard and Carl Jung, who with Sigmund Freud, birthed modern psychology.

I am a father and grandfather, with three children and five amazing grandchildren (aren’t they all?). I live in a small town southeast of Portland in Oregon’s premier wine country with my soul mate Ellen. For fun I help provide wine tours for folks from all over the world with a taste for exquisite Willamette Valley Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs. I enjoy whiskey, strong French-pressed Italian roast, cigars and an occasional pipe.

In developing my characters for Blood Sapphire’s Revenge, and its sequel Blood Sapphire’s Fury, I’ve drawn inspiration from these experiences and sources and what they can reveal in one’s character and soul.



BY Bruce Farmer • POSTED ON Feb. 9, 2022

An Israeli sniper and an American cop dodge assassins and try to thwart a terrorist attack in this debut thriller.

Israel Defense Force Staff Sgt. Haddy Abrams’ impressive long-distance shot takes out an al- Qaida leader. This only enrages the diabolical man known as X, who’s now lost a moneymaking business partner. So X, hiding in the mountains in Russia, sends an enforcer to kill Haddy. Their histories further complicate matters; Haddy is the daughter of X’s dead “nemesis,” an investigative reporter who managed to identify the elusive villain. This makes Haddy’s family a target as well. While taking on assassins in various countries, she eventually catches on to X’s devious plot—a multimissile launch against Jerusalem. Meanwhile, New York City Police Department Det. and former Army Ranger Liam “Wolf” James, on special assignment in Odessa, lands right in the midst of all that’s unfolding. He has long pined for a young woman with the Star of David around her neck whom he once passed on Mount Rainier (“This woman, whom he dubbed his ‘Snow Queen,’ had a long braid of black hair”). Perhaps she’s Haddy, the combat-trained soldier he can help shut down X’s schemes for good. Farmer jampacks this gripping story with rich character and plot details. Haddy, for example, tormented by her father’s murder (the day she was born), regularly contemplates suicide. The huge cast includes people whom X forces into securing the missiles, like some of Haddy’s relatives and an escort fighting to save her abducted 5-year-old daughter. They’re all entangled in a kinetic narrative that bounces around such places as Ukraine and the United States, whether on land or sea. Action scenes come in bursts—this brevity somewhat tones down violent moments (for example, broken bones and a 10-inch blade). In addition, Farmer effectively teases Haddy and Wolf’s inevitable meeting, understating the fateful encounter with some welcome humor.

This striking, fast-paced tale traverses the globe with worthy heroes and tenacious baddies.

Pub Date: Feb. 9, 2022

ISBN: 979-8985434330

Page count: 398pp

Publisher: Epigraph

Review Posted Online: Oct. 20, 2022

Awards, Press & Interests

Day job

Retired MD. Full-time writer

Favorite author

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Favorite book

The Brothers Karamozov

Favorite line from a book

“You ache with it all; and the more mysterious it is, the more you ache.” — Notes from Underground; Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Favorite word



Dundee, Oregon

Unexpected skill or talent


US Review of Books, 2022

IndieReader, 2022

Indies Today, 2022

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