David Scott Hay

Mycki Manning

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DSH makes a mean old fashioned and the best ribs on the block. He’s originally from OKC and lost the tip of a finger in a chop saw incident in the Windy City on his way to the City of Angels.

His latest is NSFW scheduled for Feb. ’23.

“A potential cult classic that all but demands a second read.”
– Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

He featured in an interview with [PANK] Magazine regarding his novel, The Fountain, published by Whisk(e)y Tit Press.

“A passionate mediation on art wrapped in a hilarious sendup of artistic pretensions.”
– Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

When not city hopping to sell books, DSH lives in a valley between the ocean, the mountains, and the desert with his wife, son, dog, chickens, and a dozen typewriters. for more whatnot.

[NSFW] Cover


BY David Scott Hay • POSTED ON Feb. 28, 2023

A group of content moderators explore their humanity in this near-future, SF love story.

After a traumatic event, a Chicago, Illinois, man whose digital handle is @Sa>ag3 begins work at Vexillum Co. His job is to flag offensive video content in a “war on savagery.” He, along with other trainees, like @Jun1p3r, must work for 90 days as subcontractors for the enigmatic ƒace before they can acquire a good wage and health care. With a daily grind that involves viewing horrendous images like terrorist bombings and school shootings, @Sa>ag3 and @Jun1p3r immediately start using the office lactorium—reserved for breastfeeding—as a sex cubicle. Soon, co-worker @Skiny_Leny becomes their source for Xanax. When fresh hires arrive, including @Babyd011, they join the free-loving culture. Their boss, Mr. Ray Gunn, encourages everyone to do what they must to meet the team’s impossibly high “accuracy number” goal. A substantial bonus has been promised if they can. Meanwhile, @Sa>ag3 and @Jun1p3r become “savages” and delete their social media accounts. They bring numerous plants and soil into their apartment. They also keep a jellyfish in a tank, though it requires a lot of maintenance. When the office team does earn a bonus, it comes in the form of a sleek new phone (called a ƒŌne) that doesn’t require a typical battery. Launched by ƒace, this ƒŌne is powered by the human touch. @Sa>ag3’s commitment to an earthy individuality has won him the respect of Mr. Gunn and a new position of power. However, he must now navigate a violent world radically altered by the ƒŌne.

Hay’s latest throws a permanent Gen X scowl at technologically dependent modern life. Embedded in his prose are lyrics by the band Rush (“conform or be cast out”), old slogans (“BE_KIND_REWIND”), and many references to director Stanley Kubrick’s oeuvre. While this creates a lexicon that canny readers will adapt to, akin to Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange (1962), current motifs pulse just as brightly, like the opening list of trigger warnings that includes drug use, witchcraft, social media, and capitalism. Hay’s tonal mimicry of Fight Club (1996) author Chuck Palahniuk is astonishing. Those unfamiliar with the flat, declarative sarcasm of the 1990s can use this piece as a how-to pamphlet. Yet there’s truth in Hay’s best bons mots, such as, “The luxury of a worldview diminishes because it’s time to cook supper.” And because “Outrage trumps a like,” readers who clutch their worldviews too tightly will find something here to be upset by: the Columbine shooting, adults breastfeeding, and a sitcom about Middle Eastern terrorists assigned to destroy Mount Rushmore. When Hay writes, “People on the train stare looking up from the glow of their devices. Their faces illuminated like trophy mounts of a big game hunter,” it’s easy to proclaim digital detox as the narrative’s goal. But the burgeoning love between two protagonists for whom sex is easier than conversation is the true resonating center. @Sa>ag3’s journey inserts a wild-eyed freshness in the prospect of life in the 21st century.

A potential cult classic that all but demands a second read.

Pub Date: Feb. 28, 2023

ISBN: 9781952600265

Page count: 316pp

Publisher: Whisk(e)y Tit

Review Posted Online: Nov. 11, 2022

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Jan. 15, 2023



BY David Scott Hay • POSTED ON March 23, 2021

A magic elixir that confers stupendous creative powers on talentless people sets the art world on its ear in this satirical novel.

When Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Art sets up a “BE AN ARTIST” stunt exhibition that lets ordinary museumgoers try their hands at art, what emerges are the two greatest works of the age: Ragnarök and Roll, a Play-Doh sculpture of a bomb made by a foul-mouthed 10-year-old named Timmy O’Donnell, and Migration, a paper bird mobile by 73-year-old tyro Tabitha Masterson. Art students start worshipping Masterson as the goddess Bitha. Mediocre art critic Jasper Duckworth figures he can make his reputation by championing the two prodigies, but soon a disappointing truth emerges: Their bolt-from-the-blue artistic capabilities are the result of imbibing water from the MCA’s third-floor drinking fountain. The fountain’s potion grants everyone who swallows it the capacity to produce just one magnificent piece—and then kills the artist. The implications roil the denizens of Chicago’s art scene. Struggling sculptor Jawbone Walker drinks the water and makes an arty chair that priapically invigorates an older man who sits in it; Ross Robards, a legless Vietnam veteran and mass-market painter, abhors the fountain’s potential to make anyone an effortlessly great artist, especially because it competes with his own promise to teach anyone how to be a great artist through his instructional TV show. Sculptor Bob Bellio rejects the water but then has his sublime pieces dismissed as products of the fountain; schoolteacher-turned–art-groupie Emma—she specializes in plaster casts of genitalia—sees her libido intensify after she sips the water; and Duckworth schemes to take advantage of the water’s power without consuming it himself.

Hay’s yarn is a cynical, bawdy spoof of an art establishment whose cult of idealism and authenticity barely camouflages a crass hunger for fame and fortune. (“What have you done, Timmy? Duckworth thinks. You’ve ruined this masterpiece and turned it into the media’s culpability in war, genocide, and homelessness....But then a clearer notion: I’ve got an exclusive.”) Yet the raucous novel also takes the artistic life and creative process seriously. (“Once, maybe twice,” Bob “consciously uses a technique he learned from somewhere; the rest of the time it is pure instinct. Pure flow. Pure energy….The earth is a scratched stained wooden table. The sky behind him, a place where the sparks of tiny pieces of metal from the grinding wheel shoot up like tiny rockets.”) The author is given to flights of surrealism: “You’ve been grifting and scamming them with your camera…you’re a fraud,” a talking squirrel says, egging on a suicidal photographer. Hay’s writerly voice sounds a bit like David Foster Wallace in a gonzo vein, with lots of cultural riffs, esoteric footnotes, a profusion of characters and subplots with obscure connections, and imagery that’s sensual and evocative but in a coolly analytical way. (A man “turns and catches Not Trudy loping with a laid back stride, hips swinging freely but not for show. All her movements utilize an additional five degrees of body movement, giving her not an exaggerated effect, but one of a body enjoying being in motion.”) It’s a baggy story with third-act problems, but the author’s gorgeous prose and comic inventiveness make for an entrancing read.

A passionate meditation on art wrapped in a hilarious sendup of artistic pretensions.

Pub Date: March 23, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-952600-04-3

Page count: 433pp

Publisher: Whisk(e)y Tit

Review Posted Online: Jan. 7, 2021

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 2021


Awards, Press & Interests

Day job


Favorite author

Chuck Palahuink

Favorite book

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Favorite line from a book

“I am alone and miserable. Only someone as ugly as I am could love me.”

Favorite word




Passion in life


Unexpected skill or talent

Woodworker, mixologist

Straight Razor Jazz: Winner/Finalist Scriptapalooza, 2012

[NSFW]: Kirkus Star, 2023


Straight Razor Jazz: Finalist Final Draft Big Break, 2012

Variety review of feature film debut, 2006


FALL: The Last Testament of Lucifer Morningstar

The Amazon Best Selling Fantasy Series! And so it came to pass in the waning days of our century that a curious deal was struck between Heaven and Hell, or more specifically between Lucifer Morning Star and the Presence. The Book of Life, that book that holds the names of those souls deemed for salvation has been stolen from the Silver City. Without the Book there can be no Judgement as foretold in the Revelation. Two renegade angels are suspect and are believed to be on Earth. For reasons known only to himself, Lucifer accepts the deal with Heaven to recover the Book of Life. But jealousy and pride are not an exclusive domain. A small band of angels lead by Mika'il, the Angel of Vengeance seeks to stop him. Accompanying the Morning Star on the most important quest in Creation are Maggie McCreedy, a recently widowed romance writer now witness to Lucifer's Testament; Duma, a misfit angel who almost joined in the Fall; Andrew Honeybone, a not quite yet dead, but rotting lawyer, and Mr. Pouge, an enigmatic gorilla of a man. Together their journey takes them from the Silver City of Heaven to the Ninth Circle of Hell to the now desert wasteland of an earthly Eden. It is a mythical mystery tale of redemption, deceit, salvation, betrayal and faith.
Published: April 7, 2021
ISBN: 0615612512

Straight Razor Jazz

Award-winning Screenplay: Antiques aficionado ABRAHAM DENMARK is framed for killing former call girl CLAIRE PARKER, the love of his life, after her wedding. To another man. Yeah, it’s going to be a bad night. His search for her true killer will drive him into a dark past and force him into a choice that will affect modern history. Winner/Finalist Scriptapalooza (2012), Finalist Final Draft Big Break (2012)
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