Ulla Hakanson

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Ulla Håkanson grew up in Umeå, Sweden. She worked at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm as a draftsperson for six years before moving to Toronto, Canada, where she studied Commercial Art and opened her graphic design business. Upon retiring, she moved with her husband to Vancouver Island, where she turned to writing fiction. Flight Across Waters is a self-standing sequel to The Price of Silence.



BY Ulla Hakanson • POSTED ON June 6, 2023

Instead of properly vacationing, a young police detective puts himself and his new bride in jeopardy in this taut thriller.

It took months, but Vancouver Police Constable Ben Malik finally takes his wife, Amy Robinson Malik, on a honeymoon to nearby Galiano Island. But a romantic escape isn’t in the stars. A private plane crashes into the sea, and they find the pilot dead. The victim is wealthy Vancouver Police Department benefactor Eugene Sokalsky, so Seppo Koskinen, Ben’s temporary boss, orders him back to work as a result. Also affected by the crash is the Sokalskys’ deadbeat son, Mark, a law school dropout who is working for gambling boss Luigi Alzaperi. In the course of the investigation, Ben meets Mark, learns too much about Mark’s roles in his father’s death and Alzaperi’s operation, and is subsequently abducted. When Ben fails to return home, Amy reports him missing. Angered by the slow pace of the police search for Ben, Amy begins her own investigation and soon uncovers the involvement of a dirty cop who pursues her. She goes off the grid while continuing to search for Ben. In Håkanson’s second book in the Amy Robinson series, salon owner Amy proves she can handle much more than a killer haircut—much to her and Ben’s surprise. Unable to trust Ben’s co-workers, Amy skillfully deploys a network of friends and acquaintances to help with the rescue effort. Despite being in captivity for much of the novel, Ben finds ways to ramp up the dramatic tension. Håkanson skillfully uses a layered cast (Mark is an entertaining villain—a spoiled poor-little rich boy who deserves to be fed to the sharks) in this quick-moving adventure. By thinking faster than their pursuers, Amy and Ben make for an appealing couple who are easy to cheer.

A winning pairing propels this nail-biter to greater heights.

Pub Date: June 6, 2023

ISBN: 978-0992050313

Page count: 314pp

Publisher: Self

Review Posted Online: June 2, 2023

Awards, Press & Interests

Day job

To create #3 in the series

Favorite author

John Vaillant

Favorite book

Mila (by Leon Uris)

Favorite line from a book

Quote by Anaïs Nin, “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”

Favorite word


FLIGHT ACROSS WATERS: Winner - Sunshine Coast Writers and Editors Society (SCWES) Book Award, 2023

The Price of Silence: Silver - Global Book Awards, 2022

FLIGHT ACROSS WATERS: Finalist - Global Book Awards, 2023

The Price of Silence: Finalist - ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Writing Competition - Finalist, 2023


The Price of Silence

AMY ROBINSON left an abusive relationship to start a new life with her own business to support her. Now, she’s looking forward to a kayaking trip in the BC wilderness with her cousin WILLA and friends. Amy’s having the time of her life and soon finds herself attracted to one of the kayakers, BEN MALIK, a police detective. The moment he saves her from a charging grizzly pretty much cinches it. Unbeknownst to Amy, her ex-fiancé, TYLER, has made enemies with members of a Vancouver drug gang and is hiding in an abandoned cabin in the interior of BC. He needs cash to get out of the country and is plotting to make Amy give it to him. He sets an elaborate trap, lures her away from her friends, then abducts her at gunpoint and forces her to empty her business bank account. Before leaving her in the woods, he warns her not to talk about this to anyone, or the thugs chasing him will come after her. Amy finds her way back to Vancouver, where she, out of fear of the thugs chasing Tyler, gets trapped in a world of lies. When Ben asks her out, she hesitates, worrying he will discover why she left the group. Finally, she agrees to go on a date with him, but only as a friend. Meanwhile, Tyler meets with his contact to make the exchange. Finding it’s all a scam, Tyler kills the contact, pushes his car down a mountainside, and flees north. The police uncover disturbing news about Tyler. When Amy hears about it, her resolve to keep quiet about him crumbles. She comes clean to Ben, who realizes the danger she’s in. But before he can arrange for her protection, the thugs chasing Tyler find and abduct Amy. Amy endures harsh treatment by her abductors, who believe she knows where Tyler is hiding. Bound and gagged in a dark room, she listens to them talking in another room, memorizing their words and voices. Three days later, she’s taken away in a car to be disposed of. The police get a break in their search for Amy when they get a call from a nosy neighbor. He’s seen something suspicious that has the police charging off to an address in Richmond, just south of Vancouver. Almost there, they spot the car they are looking for. After a chase, three men are taken into custody. Searching the ditch along the highway, Ben comes upon Amy, who has escaped from the car. He shoots, nearly killing a man tracking her, then rushes her to the hospital. After a witness for the prosecution is threatened, and a murder attempt is made on Amy in the hospital, she’s taken to a safe house. The police suspect that a strip club owner, MARIO BORELLI, is behind all this and scramble to find him. After bribing a cop with a gambling problem, Borelli gets the address of the safe house, kills the cop, and enters the safe house. After a fierce fight with Amy and Ben, Amy shoots Borelli as he’s about to kill Ben. In the rural interior of BC, Tyler returns from shopping, finds the police have found his hideaway, and watches them hauling away his drugs and money. He flees farther north, finds a cabin closed for the winter, and breaks in. Ben and Amy leave the safe house. Ben is concerned that Tyler is still on the loose. Amy says Ben can stay in her apartment until Tyler is caught. As time passes, and there is no sign of Tyler, Amy and Ben happily continue their living arrangement. Up north, Tyler is snowed in, out of drugs, and getting desperate. After shoveling for days to reach a plowed road, he’s about to give up when a stalking cougar attacks. Spring arrives with a gruesome discovery near a cabin of a human hand partly eaten by a cougar in the rural interior of BC. DNA shows it’s Tyler’s hand. The rest of his body is not found. Subpoenaed to testify, Amy has spent months studying her statements. She feels ready as the trial begins. When the defense attorney fails to shake her, he challenges her to ID his clients blindfolded – to identify one out of three voices per accused. His gamble on her messing up backfires. A week after sentencing, Ben arrives at Amy’s salon to pick her up for dinner, only to find her under assault by a husky blonde woman. As the woman is about to cut Amy’s throat, Ben puts a fatal bullet through her head, then sees it’s Tyler, back for his revenge on Amy.
Published: April 28, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-77374-097-3
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