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by Jason Parent

Pub Date: April 5th, 2022
Publisher: Red Adept Publishing

In Parent’s whodunit, a veteran detective investigates the life of an emotionally scarred man on trial.

Since Fall River, Massachusetts, resident Cassidy Branigan’s demise was ruled a suicide, her neighbor boyfriend, Jaden Sanders, has been in a fragile state. He’s on medication for depression, lives alone, and feels “like a loser who couldn’t stop losing.” An unseen neighbor has been harassing him with notes for slamming his door; the most recent one reads, “You’re the reason she’s gone.” Then he’s visited by three aggressive men early one morning, one of whom says, “There’s always consequences.” Sanders kills two of the intruders and stabs the third in what seems like a clear case of self-defense to DS Asante Royo, a 15-year veteran of the Fall River police. However, Heather Laughton, a prosecutor with political ambitions, is determined to bring Sanders to trial,and Royo starts to question whether “there’s more going on here than Sanders is letting on…or perhaps more than he knows.” He teams with energetic rookie Megan Costa; their pairing is “like Tigger and Eeyore,” but her enthusiasm makes her a promising mentee in a city where “too many cops were on the take, living large.” Over the course of this mystery, Parent deftly sketches his main characters, including the pitiable, tormented Sanders, with his tormented soul, and Royo, “a man of few means and fewer needs.” The author effectively shows the latter to be a good cop and a good man who understands that his job has “more shades of gray than a winter sky full of clouds.” He also shows how, for Laughton, a plea bargain in the Sanders case might be in the best interest of justice but “not in hers.” The solution to the mystery, however, is less compelling, and the fact that Sanders acts as if his girlfriend is still alive, eight months after her death, is initially confusing. However, the case has a swift denouement that’s freeze-frame ready if it should ever be adapted to the screen.

Strong characterizations are the highlight of this mystery tale.