Mad inventor Eliphat Digges, his brother Tom and a stereotypically dumb female/nurse named Sadie are jolted back some 10,000...



Mad inventor Eliphat Digges, his brother Tom and a stereotypically dumb female/nurse named Sadie are jolted back some 10,000 years in a time machine accident only to find the Middle Eastern Desert populated by three different races -- Neanderthals, an aggressive colony of star travelers who have passed themselves off as gods, and homo sapiens (the result of interbreeding between the other two). The discovery should be a mind blower, but as Eliphat busies himself repairing the machine and Tom and Sadie happily acquire a Neanderthal slave and barter a pocketknife for native artifacts, the scene begins to look like a cross between first generation TV sci-fi and the Ugly American. In a word, silly.

Pub Date: Sept. 1, 1973


Page Count: -

Publisher: Four Winds

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 1, 1973

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