Rumors of ghosts are fuel to a young girl's imagination in this story set in the swampland outside of Columbia, North Carolina. Twelve year old Louise Gilbert and her younger brother Richard are distressed when they learn that they may have to move away from their rambling old home, especially when they recall a legend that a family ghost haunts the house whenever it is in danger. They are visited during the summer by their sheltered city cousin, who is afraid to go outside because of an ex-aggerated fear that he may be harmed. By carrying out several dares, George demonstrates to his cousins that the ghosts do not really exist. At the same time, he learns to be more discerning about what is actually physically dangerous. As a ghost story, this book is rather tame, but it is a sympathetic handling of the real and imaginary fears which may so often disturb young people. The attractive black and white water color drawings by Alton Raible lend charm to the text.