Here's a book for a follow-up on A Cowman's Wife and Desert Wife, both of which have attracted a good deal of attention and...



Here's a book for a follow-up on A Cowman's Wife and Desert Wife, both of which have attracted a good deal of attention and had a better than average sale. Annie Pike, aristocrat from Utah, found marriage with Charlie Greenwood of Ohio held a surprise in store, when he gave expression to a latent yearning to farm by accepting his brother's offer of a farm in Idaho. Then follows life on a drab frontier, days of seventeen hours of work, and as she tells of it, we follow her days, and they become real, difficult, unbelievably dreary, but never cheerless. The pages are full of human interest, truth more entertaining than fiction, the weaving of human relationships, and an abiding sense of humor. A woman's book, primarily -- and it deserves a wide public.

Pub Date: Oct. 8, 1934

ISBN: 0893011223

Page Count: -

Publisher: Appleton-Century

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Oct. 1, 1934

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