This is the twenty-second annual collection of stories which have appeared in the Satevepost during the previous year. This...



This is the twenty-second annual collection of stories which have appeared in the Satevepost during the previous year. This collection of twenty stories is a distinctly varied offering marked by a diversity of type, style and approach. There is the poignant Secret of the Tin Box by Paul Horgan in which a young man is reassured by his father's letter from the past that he has made the right choice in life; the charm and whimsey of Shirley Jackson's Strangers in Town whose practice of magic is not taken to kindly by their neighbors; the touching quality of Sean O'Faolain's Love's Young Dream in which the narrator recalls the painful complexities of his adolescence; the delightful fantasy of Jack Finney's The Love Letter which provides a romantic young man in Brooklyn with a link to the past and a girl he might have loved; and the adventure of a hero of mythological proportions -- his battle with a sea monster, discovery of buried treasure and his realization of the self-deception of the cynical-in Anthony Colburn's The Tale of the Fourth Stranger. But on the other hand many of the stories are trivialities, worked out on the most superficial level, relying, for denouement, on tricky or fragile disclosures. All in all a wide range both in character and quality.

Pub Date: N/A


Page Count: -

Publisher: Doubleday

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: June 15, 1960

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