From the age of five, Ig Zaska's energies have been channeled into the struggle to earn initiation into the Willow Street Gang that hangs out in the old orchard across Apple Road. That is to say, into playing practical jokes and circumventing those played on him, into teasing little girls like Marylou Polanski who are wont to wander into the Gang's territory, into not tattling (a code his father Ta invariably backs him up on) and -- generally -- into being thought a ""tough cookie."" The green apple fight, caterpillar races and the bear-track hoax are remembered with nostalgia as highlights of an old-fashioned noble savage boyhood (in this case with a strong Polish-American accent). The orchard is a narrow (in retrospect, constricted) world, but it's Ig's, universe -- and certainly big enough to accommodate the bolder sort of child who'll admire him.