If looks could kill""--how else explain the improbable injury which severs the spine of a man hooked up with two junkies, an injury which attracts policeman Stavitsky to Jennifer List whose husband had been previously roughed up. Jennifer List is a beautiful rich woman who as a little girl had frightened a nannie away. In Stavitsky's determined, close to obsessed, post-postmortems he learns of the boy twice her size who had bullied her when she was only seven but not for long. He died, inexplicably; so did a lover when she was a medical student; and so perhaps will Stavitsky as he stalks her and at the close tries to redirect her fatal gift to work for good as well as evil. This, the Putnam Award Novel, sashays decoratively through Thomas Tryon-Lawrence Sanders country even if it's not as baleful as it should be. Since you can deja-see it all happening, it's not happening to you.