A portrait of a mood, a phase and the passing of a summer in the life of a twelve year old girl, Frankie, which has a heavy...



A portrait of a mood, a phase and the passing of a summer in the life of a twelve year old girl, Frankie, which has a heavy quality of the strange, the stagnant, but is otherwise virtually motionless. The author pictures Frankie, an awkward adolescent at a time of indirection, isolation, as she glooms around the kitchen and dark Berenice, thinks of her brother's wedding in glamorous terms, and decides to go -- uninvited -- with them, so as to get away from home. After days of inaction, introspection, the wedding takes place -- and Frankie, violent and tearful, is taken back home. An odd, unhappy little story, with the bizarre, neurotic atmosphere Carson McCullers achieves.

Pub Date: Feb. 26, 1946


Page Count: -

Publisher: Houghton, Mifflin

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 1, 1946

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