Green and McCreery are, respectively, director and researcher at an outfit located in Oxford and called the Institute for...



Green and McCreery are, respectively, director and researcher at an outfit located in Oxford and called the Institute for Psychophysical Research--which, they tell us, could use a friendly millionaire or two as well as ""lebendige--nicht tote Gefaehrten"" (that's ""living, not dead companions""--hmm) who want to join their enterprise. It's hard to imagine anyone being converted by this IPR product: an endless sequence of supposed apparitions related with that dutiful British air of quiet good sense (""The peace and serenity pervaded my whole body and away went the Asthma""; ""The cat looked quite solid and ordinary, the only odd thing about it was that it wasn't a real one""; ""We both stopped dead and watched. To our utter bewilderment, she disappeared straight through the wall of the convent school opposite""), There are minimal efforts at objective classification by type of experience and attendant phenomena--visual and auditory effects, collective apparitions, out-of-body experiences--but none whatever at verification. Dim.

Pub Date: Feb. 16, 1976


Page Count: -

Publisher: St. Martin's

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 1, 1976

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