This is a very ably written popular description of the basic facts and distinctive emphases of the great religious of the world, with special reference to the religious organizations in the United States. The historical background of each faith, its central beliefs and its distinguishing practices are outlined quite briefly but on the basis of much scholarly research. Dr. Potter has reduced his own interpretation to a minimum and quite consciously endeavors to point out the positive contribution made by the various religious bodies, even in instances where his own personal point of view is quite at variance. His short descriptive sub-titles are apt and illuminating. Thus Judaism is ""The Mother of Religions""; Christianity, ""The Faith of the Martyrs""; Roman Catholicism, ""The Church of Authority""; The Lutherans, ""The Church of the Reformation""; the Episcopalians, ""The Church of Beauty""; the Presbyterians, ""The Church of the Elders""; the Congregationalists, ""The Church that Came Over on the Mayflower""; the Baptists, ""The Church of Freedom"" and so on. A valuable handbook on the religions of the world. Dr. Potter writes well and although he has strong convictions they are not permitted to encroach upon his objectivity.