Neither the mystery of Tanganyika, the lure of uranium, nor the capers of the three rather well endowed women and two, definitely virile men, can redeem this novel from the well of monotony. The hero's love for Elizabeth, which began as just one of those casual African flings, becomes ""real"" when, having joined a mining syndicate, he returns briefly home to England. There he and Elizabeth decide to stop merely sharing the same bed and to get engaged instead. This and the prospect of becoming uranium-rich would make them both content were it not that they were plagued by the morbid lethargy of Diana, a syndicate member's fiancee. How Diana is restored to full sanity, how her fiance is saved from the impetuous overtures of the syndicate siren, and how the uranium is safely delivered into the hands of the good people render this an entirely pedestrian, unconvincing and synthetic novel--for the grade D cinema.