Dr. Stillman introduces and promotes a quick weight loss diet which is relatively (actually extremely) easy to follow , doesn't count calories. It consists entirely of protein (lean meat and fish, eggs, cottage cheese) along with at least eight glasses of water a day. In addition, there is a clutch of other reducing plans (to each his, or more probably, her, own): the nibbler's six meal a day diet, the skipper's ten meal a day diet, suit-yourself one-dimensional diets, etc. Also a caloric chart because ""calorie knowledge is an automatic safety valve"" and advice on ""maintenance eating."" The author advises checking with a doctor if one stays on the diet for any length of time, ""since a quick reducing diet is, in effect, a deficiency routine,"" but one he is obviously in favor of for given reasons, particularly, the overbalance of sickness in overweights. The other obvious questions, like the smoking/eating seesaw and exercising, even the fear of weight loss for psychological reasons, are aired and answered.