The ""world-famous healer"" of the subtitle is Ted Fricker himself, an English spiritualist who claims to have cured over a million people in the twenty-five years since his ""inner Voice""--which has guided him since age five--told him to sell his business and devote himself to the afflicted. Innocent of any medical training, he says he can tell immediately what is ailing a patient and bring relief through laying on of hands and the power of God. He specializes in back trouble and ulcers, though he consults deceased medical specialists in the ""other world"" to handle difficult cases like cancer. People come to him from all over, and some doctors refer intractable cases to him. He discourses about the spirit world, out-of-the-body experiences, diet, and especially the nature of the body and how healing actually works. Laced with ""startling"" case histories, bizarre spiritual experiences, talk of ""body auras"" and Voices, his autobiography is rollicking National Enquirer fare for the farther-out fringes of the spiritual healing and Life After Life market.