A grown Cinderella story for grownups takes place in Cannes during the Occupation where fortyish, widowed, insolvent Letty...



A grown Cinderella story for grownups takes place in Cannes during the Occupation where fortyish, widowed, insolvent Letty Innes-Gore with a too willing smile is the permanent dependent of wealthier friends. She stays on in a house full of Picassos and Renoirs with only Frank, a French Canadian, as a contact. Actually he's smuggling flyers back to England. Then she takes in a helpless young girl with a friend -- a pleasantly knowing friend who knows how to convert pounds into francs and make them grow. All of this takes place against a well-appointed background (ahnost true'?) of the cold lean winter, of ration cards and travel permits, of edgy rumors and unsettling apprehensions. A gentle and gracile reminder, slight enough to be overlooked.

Pub Date: Sept. 21, 1971


Page Count: -

Publisher: Knopf

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 1, 1971

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