Happy 385th birthday, dear Tycho Bass --and in appropriate celebration thereof, Chuck and David, young cohorts of the miraculous Mycetian, join him at Carn Bassyd, ancestral seat of the Mycetian League in Wales. In case you entered in mid-series, the three of them have been commuting to Basidium, the Mushroom Planet where related spore people live, in four interplanetary adventures; this, the fifth, moves from science fiction to moral fantasy, revealing the history of the Mycetians as a conflict between good and evil. But not all at once--first David helps Mr. Bass find the key to deciphering the ancient scroll written by Elder Grandfather, Tycho's predecessor as head of the League; then he assists the Mycetians in countering the power of Narrow Brain, an evil phantom that has ""concentrated itself out of the layers of time."" For Mycetians and Basidiumites, ""...time eddies about in many directions inside one great Now,"" and this extra-dimensional extension places the series on a somewhat stronger foundation. (It also suggests that David may share of Elder Grandfather's and Mr. Bass' power of prescience) Boys who enjoyed the earlier books will take the step into stranger than science-fiction in their stride. Congratulations and best wishes for many move, Mr. B.