The story of a young woman who revolted from the prospect of years of service to her brothers and their families, and...



The story of a young woman who revolted from the prospect of years of service to her brothers and their families, and thought that what she wanted was a home of her own and a chance to be alone, free of men in any guise. She soon discovered that emptiness did not constitute happines, so came adventuring to New York, found new meaning in life, married a man on the rebound, and discovered that possession is not necessarily nine-tenths of the law. Elizabeth Corbett has not quite hit the high water mark of The Young Mrs. Meigs in her later books, but this is closer to it than the others. A good story -- and should be easy to rent and show a reasonable over the counter sale.

Pub Date: Aug. 22, 1935


Page Count: -

Publisher: Reynal & Hitchcock

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 1, 1935

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