A small town in the middle west and a familiar environment backgrounds the story of Charley Hinckley whose lifetime of cheerful abnegation began with his rejection by his mother in favor of a younger brother, George. Engaged to marry Phoebe, Charley's plans for marriage are stalled by his father's death and the need to support his mother, the worthless George, and the bride he brings back home. And as the years roll by, Charley goes on alone, sits in on the romance of Antoinette, the widow next door, who is waiting for another man to marry her. But when he doesn't, it is Charley who gives her the courage to go on, and who finds the ""richer harvest"" of marriage when a friendship is converted to love... The fall guy, whose selflessness and stoicism give him more stature than glamor, in what you might call a purposeful portrait... Rentals.