Edith Sewell grown up in the exclusive, decorous, gracious sphere of money and social prominence in New York during the...



Edith Sewell grown up in the exclusive, decorous, gracious sphere of money and social prominence in New York during the '30's, but her first exposure to the romantic attentions of a young Englishman leads to a rebuff. After a bout of pneumonia, she goes to convalesce, physically and emotionally, on the Maine island where a Paul Stafford is managing her brother's estate. Although she first thinks of him as a ""kind of super hired man"", she later falls in love with him- only to learn that he has a record of embezzlement and a avid first wife. Since marriage is now unthinkable, she turns to Stewart Anderson, less exciting, but still offering more of a future than the ""man with a past""... A teatable type, and about as subdued as the Huntley & Palmers which are always served- unless it might be Peak Freans.

Pub Date: April 24, 1961


Page Count: -

Publisher: Appleton-Century-Crofts

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 1, 1961

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