Seven Days to a Brand-New You, Dr. Dwayne Dudley's program for putting POW into your personality, is a paperback tenth-grader Maddy picks up at the mall along with Sweet, Suffering Love, a tempestuous historical romance about irresistible Dona Veronica and a passionate guerrilla leader. Maddy needs a new personality to attract newcomer Adam, a handsome senior whose locker is next to hers. And so from Day One (""taking stock"") to Day Seven (""look in the mirror and say 'I am terrific' ""), Maddy buys clothes, acts successful, cultivates an image (Dona Veronica figures prominently in her at-home trials). . . and gapes, tongue-tied as ever, when Adam turns up at the locker. But progress is made--from silence she moves to blurting out curious facts about animal sex, acquired from classmate Terrence--and, lo and behold, it turns out that Adam, also shy, ""actually liked me even before I got the new clothes and--uh--everything. He liked me. Plain old me!"" Sheer frivolity, whipped-up and unoriginal as Sweet Suffering Love or Dr. Dudley's self-help, with a few laughs at those locker encounters and not much more.