This sequel to the author's The Motivation to Work (1959) seemingly ranges far afield from industrial psychology, even from...



This sequel to the author's The Motivation to Work (1959) seemingly ranges far afield from industrial psychology, even from behavioral science altogether. The reason is that Dr. Herzberg has attempted a redefinition of human nature. Those who have not read his earlier volume will find his ""motivation-hygiene theory"" in abbreviated but still fully comprehensible form here, with refinements gained from follow-up studies. He is not talking only to his colleagues or to business executives, and the reader who is put off by tables or a tendency to categorical labels such as ""Adam -- animal; Abraham -- human"" is advised to persevere, because he has a great deal to say about both individual and social consequences of present-day industrial conditions. Short-term economic ""necessities"" don't justify the larger economic loss and denial of human satisfaction that the restriction of talent ""inevitably costs,"" he maintains. Work itself, and not ""working conditions"" must somehow be made more meaningful and thus more rewarding before we can hope for the Great Society. ""Impractical?"" he asks. ""So is the kind of life we now lead.

Pub Date: April 30, 1966


Page Count: -

Publisher: World

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 1, 1966

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