A tale of England in King Alfred's day centers around Wulf, an orphaned boy of northern origins, and tells how peace was brought to the land through the fulfillment of an Arthurian legend. Wulf is called to the King's court in Winchester by Alfred himself who had visited the boy and his old guardian, Tostig, on one of his famous incognito wanderings about the countryside. But before he goes, Tostig gives him an old heavy metal ring from a tree which, says Tostig, guards Wulf's secret. At court, Wulf's exciting future begins. He is sent to King Alfred's school and then given the chance to go on an exploratory expedition to Scandinavia during the course of which England's ever present danger from the Danes is made clear. Yet there is a victory for the Saxons. Then Wulf's ring, kept for him in his absence by Lady Gwytha, is polished- to reveal both the name of his dead father and of Arthur who had once owned it himself, and the prophecy that England will know peace when Arthur's treasure is found, comes true.