That inveterate investigator of startling subjects, Sisters of the Night. The Sixth Man now has managed to chercher ""femmes"" and the ""dikes"" in the sapphic sorority. This, like the latter title, is composed of intensive interviews which are trussed together from beginning to end. There are a few overall generalizations: a member of the third sex is not as much a second class citizen as the homosexual, nor as socially aggrieved; they are more monogamous on the whole, less secretive (they haven't as much to hide), and Dr. Harold (Call Girl) Greenwald is among the psychiatrists consulted for psychoanalytic illumination. Mostly, however, Stearn lets his subject speak for herself; there are lace-curtain lesbians (they deny their activities), butch dikes, bi-sexuals, etc. etc. their haunts, their con games, their literature and publications, and the Convention of the Daughters of Bilitis which Stearn was invited to attend (a coup). The statistics are slippery but if autoeroticism is on the rise and there are twelve million homosexuals, then, as one of the gals here figures-- ""For every one of them there's got to be one of us"". If this is true, this will probably sell just as well as The Sixth Man.