Celia Grant, that trim, classy widow who runs Archerscroft Nurseries (The Mantrap Garden, A Botanist at Bay, Green Trigger Fingers), is now hectically at work on the sinfully neglected Sussex garden of textiles tycoon Richard Galliant: the place must be lushly beautified in time for the big bash the Galliants are going to give for the singers from the nearby Glyndebourne opera festival. But Celia and Adonis-like assistant Bill are soon distracted--when Mr. Galliant embarrasses himself at a series of public appearances including one with Princess Di!). Is Galliant a lush? Or is someone slipping him hallucinogens? Celia uses her horticultural savvy, to pin down just what poison's being used. But who's trying to ruin Galliant's reputation and/or business? Is it ambitious stepson Charles, ne'er-do-well son Paul (a druggie who hangs about with a rock star), or perhaps Galliant's unsatisfied opera-diva mistress? And which resentful employee has been selling Galliant's top-secret new designs to his competitors? The answers--in a far-fetched, unsatisfying web--won't emerge until after several deaths and the shooting of Celia (non-fatal, of course) by a Latin American sniper. Despite the strained windup: amusing, breezily sophisticated fun--with a few extra ingredients (no-nonsense earthiness, gardening science and esthetics) added to the traditional wry, droll English delivery.