Fingal's quest is for Columban, his exalted and revered teacher. In his search the young monastic student travels through...



Fingal's quest is for Columban, his exalted and revered teacher. In his search the young monastic student travels through sixth-century France becoming enmeshed in the political and religious happenings of the day. In the magnificent Roman villa he visits and as a slave to a Frankish overlord, Fingal gets a close view of the tottering Roman culture so long embeddd in Gallic life but now threatened by the continuous attacks by the Franks. It is Columban's goal to restore Christianity to Gaul and how he achieves sainthood in this mission is revealed through the adventures of Fingal. Church libraries may want to recommend this to their upper school students who will better understand the old English dialogue and tone that predominates.

Pub Date: May 26, 1961


Page Count: -

Publisher: Doubleday

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: May 1, 1961

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