A murky combination of refinement, confusion, and a desperate faith in the occult, is this autobiography of Mercedes de...



A murky combination of refinement, confusion, and a desperate faith in the occult, is this autobiography of Mercedes de Acosta, writer, society woman, and intimate of Greta Garbo. What begins as an engaging description of a child brought up within a cultivated and colorful Spanish household develops into an avalanche of name dropping and a depressing diagram of the confusion a woman encounters when she is intent upon being a man. Bizarre is the world which Mercedes de Acosta depicts-- her brother's violent death, her pale marriage, her ardent devotion to the bewildering Garbo, her encounters with Isadora Duncan. Sensitive without the reticence of sensitivity, this is a repetitious account of an urbane, bewildered woman and her peripheral encounters with a shadowy world of celebrities.

Pub Date: N/A


Page Count: -

Publisher: Viking-Reynal

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: June 15, 1959

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