The author of Hotel in Spain is in France, an exile from her beloved Spain, when this new story begins. How she and her...



The author of Hotel in Spain is in France, an exile from her beloved Spain, when this new story begins. How she and her husband got out of France and to Mexico occupies about a third of the book. The balance recounts the adventure of keeping house in Mexico, primarily in Cuernavaca. Paragraph by paragraph the flavor of Mexico as it was experienced by the young couple, is shared with the reader. The book has lots of color and quality, but somehow it lacks the zest, the humor, the originality of her two books on Spain. Perhaps because the Mexican experience has no focal point, it hangs in mid-air as an experience, an interlude. Mexico, in this vein, has been done before and done better. But one's interest in the irrepressible Johnstones carries on.

Pub Date: April 30, 1941


Page Count: -

Publisher: Longmans, Green

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 1, 1941

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