This unusual novel deals with the problems of love, sin and guilt within the framework of a crime novel and comedy of...



This unusual novel deals with the problems of love, sin and guilt within the framework of a crime novel and comedy of manners. James Bourne, an American businessman turned master criminal, his beautiful young wife and a French art forger have worked for several years on the job of stealing three paintings from the Duquesa de Cortes. But they are tricked by one of their acquaintances and what started out as a battle of wits turns into a tragedy in which three people are murdered. Witty in style, dramatic in plot, The Oldest Confession presents- in addition to an exciting and intricate story, a gallery of interesting people and a wonderful picture of modern Spain. For the discriminating reader looking for something different.

Pub Date: April 28, 1958


Page Count: -

Publisher: Appleton-Century-Crofts

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 1, 1958

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