A suspenseful adventure in which two loners at a boys' school join forces to explore a fabulous underground archeological...



A suspenseful adventure in which two loners at a boys' school join forces to explore a fabulous underground archeological site that becomes both their refuge and their proving ground. Eighth-grader Barney Penniman has everything to look forward to, starting with one of the prestigious New England boarding schools after he graduates from equally prestigious Winchester. But when he interferes with five sadistic bullies who are stoning a collie, he not only makes five enemies but finds himself at odds with the new headmaster, who accepts a new swimming pool in lieu of expelling the culprits and threatens Barney with blacklisting if he doesn't leave the school before the bullies' revenge gets them all into trouble. But Barney is fascinated with the miniature world that his younger friend, Snowy, has discovered; as the two painstakingly unearth the treasures and begin to imagine who might have produced them, he grows firmer in his stand against the corrupt headmaster. This is neatly plotted thriller, with many unusual details, especially the beautifully imagined underground discovery. At the exciting climax, Barney saves himself from the bullies who have trapped him in the cave by using a pistol his father has secretly given him to extinguish their lanterns; though this demonstrates both resourcefulness and laudable restraint, the contraband yet life-saving gun may give the anti-handgun people legitimate concern. Barney's developing conscience and Snowy's need to define a place for himself are well drawn; other characters come mostly from stock--the villains lack any mitigating virtues. Still, a satisfying thriller, where the nice guys come out ahead.

Pub Date: May 1, 1987


Page Count: 256

Publisher: Dial/Dutton

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 1987

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