A Time correspondent's politico-economic appraisal of Europe, based on a recent eight months' tour and an aggregate of five years' service in the 30's, dealing with every European country except Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Ireland. The first half of the book is devoted to Russia alone, her politics, economics, people, the collective farms and the cities, industry, war potential, the power complex, etc., and in much the same vein, though in far less detail, other European countries are covered in groups- the Scandinavian countries, the seven Russian satellites, the Mediterranean powers, defeated Germany and Austria, the nations under Western Union and ECA, and the once great France, Belgium, Holland, Italy and Great Britain. He sees Russia's war machine as geared for 1960 and reviews the rest of Europe's probable recovery to match this threat. An over-all picture which is not necessarily first-hand, inside-story, reporting- but reflects informed viewpoints.