Senator Magnuson is a ""fighting member of the Senate's Committee on Commerce"" and this is a partial demonstration of the ways in which the benighted consumer is gulled and exploited. In the first part he looks at the darker aspects of living on the shady side of slum streets--extortion of the poor in ghetto neighborhoods, selling misrepresentation of all kinds, credit laws which need revision. In the second part he deals with hazards to life and health, from flammable fabrics to patent medicines and in particular the cigarette. The charge here is that ""Congress must . . . take strong decisive action. . . by modifying the cigarette itself""--surely a politician's approach; throughout, expectedly, he makes other suggested legislative reforms. None of this can fail to do good; but the book will probably not do very well with the general reader who has read much of this before, and who will find that this rather selective expose is not very explosive.