One of those rueful little friends-at-school contretemps that usually turns up as an I Can Reader, with a similarly structured text: you might best proffer it to those who can. Joey is delighted with his new Green Hornet lunchbox but Anthony, his best friend from last year, doesn't have one yet; so it's no go for the lunchbox and off to the cafeteria for an unhappy diet of chili, vegetable soup, beef stew, and hamburger--""Joey liked hamburger. But he liked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches better."" Comes the fish day. . . ""'Anthony brought his lunch.' Joey's mother smiled. 'Did Anthony's mother buy him a lunchbox?' Joey shook his head. 'Anthony brought a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a paper sack.' Anthony did not like fish."" The next day Joey takes the Green Hornet lunchbox to the playground, sits next to Charles, and eats two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Yum!