Sigrid Undset, Nobel prize novelist, tells the story of her own dramatic flight from invaded Norway, through Sweden, by...



Sigrid Undset, Nobel prize novelist, tells the story of her own dramatic flight from invaded Norway, through Sweden, by plane to Moscow, by Trans-Siberian to Viadivostok, by boat to Japan and the United States -- a long path to the future. This is not only her personal story, but it is a revealing picture by a trained observer, of conditions wherever fate took her. There is first a peace-loving Norway, wholly unprepared for the uneven battle; then an uneasy Sweden, desiring peace, preparing for war, determined to lend a hand to escaping fellow-Nordics; next the gruelling experience of Soviet Russia, seen at its worst, filthy, unsanitary, victim of totalitarianism, and with no evidence -- save the soldiers themselves -- of any preparations that could withstand German efficiency. Finally Japan, a puzzle to outsiders. Final chapters present her considered conclusions of the future of democracy -- and the challenge.

Pub Date: Feb. 2, 1941


Page Count: -

Publisher: Knopf

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 1, 1941

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