Brawny, hardbitten, tense tale of men against the sea, based on an actual record from maritime annals and from the diary of...



Brawny, hardbitten, tense tale of men against the sea, based on an actual record from maritime annals and from the diary of the Captain of the HORNET. It seems a story made to order for Nordhoff and Hall -- but William Roos has beaten them to it. Not a new theme -- fire in mid-ocean -- a crew set adrift 1000 miles from Lower California, with meagre rations, one longboat and two quarterboats. Dire hunger and thirst, sun stroke, illusory hopes of reaching shore, splintering nerves and ravaged bodies -- all held together by the calm courage of the 55 year old captain. The quarterboats are cut adrift -- the longboat reaches the unknown Lampahochoe after six weeks, and some survive the ordeal. Unfurbished tale -- for men chiefly.

Pub Date: Nov. 5, 1940


Page Count: -

Publisher: Houghton, Mifflin

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Nov. 1, 1940

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