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Along Came a Wolf

From the The Yellow Hoods series , Vol. 1

A very promising series opener featuring a young heroine and her pals that should win fans.

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In this YA fantasy/alternative-history adventure, a girl and her friends face danger when a villain demands an inventor’s plans.

Some months ago, 12-year-old Tee discovered an awesome three-level treehouse equipped with a weighted rope-and-pulley system to fly up from the main road and zip back down. She and her best friends, Elly and Richy, who call themselves the Yellow Hoods for the bright cloaks they wear, love hanging out together in the treehouse, where there’s always something new and improved to discover or tinker with, such as the weapons they call shock sticks. There is some disagreement about where these things come from: Tee’s grandfather Nikolas Klaus, a master inventor? Magic? Elves? Klaus’ creations bring him to the attention of Simon St. Malo, a jealous rival inventor. Believing that Klaus has invented a steam engine, St. Malo hires Andre LeLoup to wrest the plans from him. St. Malo “probably means to transport huge numbers of cannons and soldiers,” Klaus muses. Obviously, LeLoup must be stopped. Though initially thwarted, he’s a dangerous man with tricks up his sleeve; the Yellow Hoods and Klaus, with their inventions, along with the Cochon brothers (Bakon, Bore, and Squeals) and some other players, plot to run LeLoup out of town. In his debut novel, Dreece mixes clever fairy-tale references (to, for example, “The Three Little Pigs”—LeLoup, the Cochon brothers) with intriguing contraptions, appealing characters, snide villains, humor, and an exciting story. At times, Dreece gets overly cute and giggly, especially in scenes between Tee and her grandfather, and the Yellow Hoods are somewhat interchangeable. But LeLoup’s gradual psychological disintegration is a highlight, handled with some real insight into the effect of failure on arrogance. Dreece also weaves in a touching romance between Bakon and Egelina-Marie, a town guard. Abandoned as a child, Bakon has come to believe he’s just a lowlife, but Egelina-Marie “inspired him and made him feel more solid inside.” Questions are left unanswered but may find resolution in the four books that will follow.

A very promising series opener featuring a young heroine and her pals that should win fans.

Pub Date: April 24, 2014

ISBN: 978-0-9881013-0-2

Page Count: 230

Publisher: ADZO Publishing

Review Posted Online: Jan. 26, 2016

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 2016

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In more ways than one, a tale about young creatures testing their wings; a moving, entertaining winner.

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A fifth-grade New Orleans girl discovers a mysterious chrysalis containing an unexpected creature in this middle-grade novel.

Jacquelyn Marie Johnson, called Jackie, is a 10-year-old African-American girl, the second oldest and the only girl of six siblings. She’s responsible, smart, and enjoys being in charge; she likes “paper dolls and long division and imagining things she had never seen.” Normally, Jackie has no trouble obeying her strict but loving parents. But when her potted snapdragon acquires a peculiar egg or maybe a chrysalis (she dubs it a chrysalegg), Jackie’s strong desire to protect it runs up against her mother’s rule against plants in the house. Jackie doesn’t exactly mean to lie, but she tells her mother she needs to keep the snapdragon in her room for a science project and gets permission. Jackie draws the chrysalegg daily, waiting for something to happen as it gets larger. When the amazing creature inside breaks free, Jackie is more determined than ever to protect it, but this leads her further into secrets and lies. The results when her parents find out are painful, and resolving the problem will take courage, honesty, and trust. Dumas (Jaden Toussaint, the Greatest: Episode 5, 2017, etc.) presents a very likable character in Jackie. At 10, she’s young enough to enjoy playing with paper dolls but has a maturity that even older kids can lack. She’s resourceful, as when she wants to measure a red spot on the chrysalegg; lacking calipers, she fashions one from her hairpin. Jackie’s inward struggle about what to obey—her dearest wishes or the parents she loves—is one many readers will understand. The book complicates this question by making Jackie’s parents, especially her mother, strict (as one might expect to keep order in a large family) but undeniably loving and protective as well—it’s not just a question of outwitting clueless adults. Jackie’s feelings about the creature (tender and responsible but also more than a little obsessive) are similarly shaded rather than black-and-white. The ending suggests that an intriguing sequel is to come.

In more ways than one, a tale about young creatures testing their wings; a moving, entertaining winner.

Pub Date: Nov. 11, 2017

ISBN: 978-1-943169-32-0

Page Count: 212

Publisher: Plum Street Press

Review Posted Online: Feb. 22, 2018

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 2018

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A YA novel that treats its subject and its readers with respect while delivering an engaging story.

In the ninth book in the Bluford young-adult series, a young Latino man walks away from violence—but at great personal cost.

In a large Southern California city, 16-year-old Martin Luna hangs out on the fringes of gang life. He’s disaffected, fatherless and increasingly drawn into the orbit of the older, rougher Frankie. When a stray bullet kills Martin’s adored 8-year-old brother, Huero, Martin seems to be heading into a life of crime. But Martin’s mother, determined not to lose another son, moves him to another neighborhood—the fictional town of Bluford, where he attends the racially diverse Bluford High. At his new school, the still-grieving Martin quickly makes enemies and gets into trouble. But he also makes friends with a kind English teacher and catches the eye of Vicky, a smart, pretty and outgoing Bluford student. Martin’s first-person narration supplies much of the book’s power. His dialogue is plain, but realistic and believable, and the authors wisely avoid the temptation to lard his speech with dated and potentially embarrassing slang. The author draws a vivid and affecting picture of Martin’s pain and confusion, bringing a tight-lipped teenager to life. In fact, Martin’s character is so well drawn that when he realizes the truth about his friend Frankie, readers won’t feel as if they are watching an after-school special, but as though they are observing the natural progression of Martin’s personal growth. This short novel appears to be aimed at urban teens who don’t often see their neighborhoods portrayed in young-adult fiction, but its sophisticated characters and affecting story will likely have much wider appeal.

A YA novel that treats its subject and its readers with respect while delivering an engaging story.

Pub Date: Jan. 1, 2004

ISBN: 978-1591940173

Page Count: 152

Publisher: Townsend Press

Review Posted Online: Jan. 26, 2013

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