There is, unfortunately, a good deal of confusion in the minds of the public regarding the two Fall publications, both based on Hitler's speeches and writings since Mein Kampf, and- to date- not available for comparison. Now, rushed through the press, the first of these is almost upon us. The material tapped is concentrated almost entirely in the last ten years, from Hitler's rise to power, running through the rearming of the Reich, the Munich crisis, the Polish campaign, the present world war, and the blue print for world conquest. Each section of the nine periods, into which the material falls, is preceded by commentary, written by the editor, who, for years, was the American representative of Paris Soir and of Havas. Paralleling actual quotations from Hitler's own utterances, he includes corresponding data showing the effect on the world press, and his own commentary relating the statements to doctrines previously presented in Mein Kampf. The able analysis of Hitler's ""oratory"" reveals on the part of the editor a thorough understanding of Hitlerian methods, and through the thickets of verbiage, emerges what is significant, what is important in his strategy. All he says and does affects you. Here- in his own words- is evidence of why ""you can't do business with Hitler""; the whole of his program and his methods. Publishers supplying trade with circulars. In format, the book -- while bulky -- is very readable, good type face, margins, layout. Section after section follows pattern-background, speech, press. Essential reference book for everyone.