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TRACERS by Adrian Magson


by Adrian Magson

Pub Date: June 1st, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7278-8013-0
Publisher: Severn House

Spies spying on spies.

Harry Tate, last seen escaping a Georgian death plot hatched by MI5 agents supposedly on his side (Red Station, 2010, etc.), returns to Blimey and takes up work as an independent contractor tracking the missing. Jennings, a tight-lipped lawyer who may have secret-service connections, pays him to find an Israeli professor, Samuel Silverman, gone to ground. That task hits several roadblocks, including the assassinations of Matqu, a Libyan, and Param, an embezzler and duped philanderer. Even worse, Tate and his pal Ferris, an electronics whiz, pick up two tails, Dog and Carlisle, neither of whom wishes them well. An ill-hidden clue leads to a woman who knows Silverman, knows his real identity and nationality, and indeed was placed in his entourage in Baghdad as a mole for security purposes—a plan that failed when he apparently died in a bombing of his compound. So the chase is on. Cars cut in and out. Buildings are watched and entered. Bullets whiz by. Collateral damage mounts. But by the time Tate realizes Jennings has set in motion unlimited double crosses, the puppet-master has disappeared and there’s one more major gun battle and plot twist to be overcome.

Convoluted derring-do best enjoyed by the conspiracy crowd.