A psychological study of a fantasy life, of morbidity, fears, perversions, love-hate motivation, abnormalities. Confused in...



A psychological study of a fantasy life, of morbidity, fears, perversions, love-hate motivation, abnormalities. Confused in thought and interpretation, and only at the close, when seen from perspective, do the pieces fall into place. The theme is the backward look into childhood and real and fantasy life -- early influences, human and environmental, early dreams and fears, shaping a murderer, who killed in cold blood a man he loved and hated, who loved the woman he loved. From that point a fugitive, unsuspected, but feeling his own fears. A Scandinavian -- but place is of small consequence in this allegorical biography. At times the dream element is so strong that one can scarcely divide dream from fact. Some brilliant philosophical writing -- some amazing psychological revelations. Sell to your customers interested in morbid psychology, in strange human documents.

Pub Date: July 13, 1936


Page Count: -

Publisher: Knopf

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 1, 1936

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